How to Guarantee Billiard
 Instructor Success with High School Partnerships?

By starting a new school sports program, you'll create an endless generation of students!

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BETTER Play Billiards
Experts at junior billiards.
Just ask them...


You missed out!

Are You a Billiards Instructor Struggling to Find Students? Why?

Maybe you don't realize yet that your billiards knowledge is actually a solution to many U.S. problems!

If you're like one of the many U.S. billiards instructors that experience stagnate growth in getting new students, then you already understand this is a really problematic situation.

With fewer new players being taught in a consistent pipeline, you as the instructor is having a difficult time gaining traction as "that" instructor that makes champions and a difference.

After-all, what purpose did you even have to become an instructor? What is your goal?

We do not have to tell you that you need to start thinking outside of the box in order to succeed. If you don't adapt, it will not be easy going forward.

There is a lot of competition instructors face today in finding students, and sometimes you just feel frustrated by it all.

Maybe you already understand that to find new students lies in the virtually endless junior player demographic.

Yes, although you may have considered or have even taught a few juniors, there is still a huge untapped junior market that could really use your experienced instruction.

And this group of potential junior participants actually solves many problems too.

 The U.S. absolutely needs a serious grassroots effort to be competitive in future international events and to grow the industry.

Not to mention the requirements if billiards has any chance of being invited into the Olympics. There must be a well-developed junior base.

If you can grasp this dilemma we are facing and be proactive, you could grow your instructor base beyond imagination.

But you'll need professionalism to get juniors to start playing in large numbers. Hopefully you're open for some realistic ideas to show you a new and needed way.

With the right guidance and proven programs, you can make your student base incredibly bigger than you are currently experiencing, guaranteed!

 Maybe you don't realize yet that your billiards knowledge is actually a solution to many U.S. problems! You must start thinking BIG!

What if there's a new way for you see the billiards instruction market? A new opportunity for instructors, just waiting for someone like you, where you and many others will surely benefit.

Where you will have...

Scalability Success:

Expanding your Billiards in School programs across multiple high schools is the primary reason why students love participating. 

Unique Offering:

Distinguish yourself by offering an exclusive and captivating program that sets you apart from everyone in the billiards industry!

Professional Impact:

When you make a meaningful impact on education and student development, you'll be elevating your business's social profile!

Get Your FREE Guide:


Successfully Launch a
High School Billiards Program
in 8 Easy Steps

  • Review Programs
  • Evaluate Venues
  • Survey Schools
  • Establish Schedules
  • Approval Processes
  • Recruit Teachers
  • Coordinate Sponsors
  • Host Meetings
  • Step-by-Step Instructions: Detailed guidance on how to start and manage a high school billiards program from scratch.

  • Resource Compilation:
    Essential tools and resources to streamline your setup process.

  • Marketing Strategies:
    Proven methods to promote your program and attract students.

  • Success Stories:
    Real-life examples of successful programs and the benefits they've brought to their communities.

  • Expert Advice:
    Tips from a seasoned professional in the billiards industry.

 This FREE Guide is Your Game-Changer:

  • Comprehensive & Easy-to-Follow:
    Our guide breaks down the process into 8 simple, actionable steps that anyone can follow. No prior experience needed!
  • Boost Your Business:
    Creating a high school billiards program can drive new traffic to your billiards room, increase revenue, and build a loyal community of young enthusiasts.
  • Make a Positive Impact:
    Empower the next generation with the skills and passion for billiards. Become a pivotal part of their high school experience.
  • Exclusive Insider Tips:
    Learn from an industry expert who has successfully launched high school billiards programs. Get the inside scoop on what works and what doesn't.
  • Valuable Resources:
    Gain access to templates, checklists, and planning tools that will save you time and effort in setting up your program.

How to Get Started?


Enter Your Email:
Fill in your details below to receive instant access to the guide.


Download the Guide:
Check your inbox and download your free copy of the "Billiards in School Kickstart Guide".


Start Planning: 
Use our easy-to-follow steps and resources to launch your high school billiards program today!

Ready to Transform Your Experience and Inspire the Next Generation of Students?

Get Your FREE Guide Now!

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Teachers Get It!

Bonnie Crocker

Special Education Teacher
South Garland H.S. Owls

"As one of the sponsors, I have been impressed with this program."

It provides an opportunity for students to build self- esteem and also provides a quality after school activity. It gives an opportunity for students to participate in a school related activity that are not able to participate in a traditional sport such as football, cheerleading, etc.

Holly Frantz

Science Teacher
Naaman Forest H.S. Rangers

"I am excited about the program and the experience it can provide for educators and students."

I believe it provides an opportunity for students to learn how to work as a team, build eye-hand coordination, connect billiards properties to physics, and have a good time all within a safe, positive, and structured environment.

April Renno

English Teacher
Rowlett H.S. Eagles

"Overall, we have had much success with our billiards program; our school truly would not be the same without it."

It is an outstanding program not just because of all the education and opportunities it offers the students, but also because it appeals to a diverse cross-section of our student body. Without billiards, many of the students in our programs would not be involved in any extracurricular activity at school, and some would not be working to pass their classes just so they can play.

We Know How to Help You!

Our proven programs are ideally designed to equip you the billiards instructor with the knowledge, tools, and support you need to successfully launch and maintain a "Billiards in School" program within your area. Schools need you!

 Why You'll Be Successful?

“…how the Berkner High School
Billiards Club is helping students
get BETTER grades.”


Experience Matters!

Earl Munson
BETTER Play Billiards
PBIA Advanced Instructor

Earl founded BETTER Play Billiards in 1998 and is currently an Advanced PBIA Instructor with over 25 years of extensive experience in directing, instructing, and coaching thousands of junior players.

His expertise spans from novice players to USA’s best at the local, state, national, and international levels.

Earl has developed a comprehensive understanding of how the U.S. can enhance junior player growth and competitiveness.

He has strongly advocated for extensive industry-wide collaboration and a dedicated grassroots campaign to introduce billiards into the schools across the United States and to build a top tier junior "Team USA" infrastructure.

Earl firmly believes that this initiative is crucial for the future success and growth of the billiard industry, as well as the U.S. being more competitive in international competitions. 

As one of the leading experts on high school billiards and junior programs in the U.S., Earl has numerous achievements, including:

  • The Billiard Congress of America’s “Presidential Award” for lifetime achievement in the billiard industry
  • Recognized as one of the “Top 20 Instructors” twice by Pool & Billiard Magazine
  • Selected (8) times to lead and travel extensively with junior “Team USA” across the United States and to countries such as Russia, China, South Africa, Austria, and more, for events like the “Junior Worlds” and the "Atlantic Challenge Cup"

 Earl has extensive experience in participating and helping to develop junior programs for:

  • Billiard Congress of America (BCA)
  • Professional Billiard Instructor Association (PBIA)
  • Billiard Education Foundation (BEF)
  • World Pool-Billiard Association (WPA)
  • Black Widow Foundation (BWF)
  • Atlantic Challenge Cup (ACC)
  • And many more organizations!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What type of billiards establishments are best for starting and hosting high billiards programs?

A: The ideal billiards room is family-friendly, with no smoking or alcohol allowed. These venues are essential for school programs, providing a safe environment and well-maintained equipment, which schools, parents, and students demand.

Meeting these standards can significantly benefit your business. Establishing a school program enhances your reputation as a safe, enjoyable place for juniors and families.

To succeed as a family-oriented room owner, build trust and good rapport within your community. This approach will help grow your customer base and increase revenue.

Q: How can I address concerns about the perceived stereotypes or negative stigma associated with billiards?

A: Addressing stereotypes or negative stigma associated with billiards can be done through education and awareness-building initiatives. Showcase the positive aspects of billiards, such as its rich history, strategic elements, and potential for skill development, to challenge misconceptions and promote a more positive perception of the sport.

Q: How can I address concerns about space limitations or lack of suitable facilities for hosting a billiards program in my school?

A: Addressing space limitations or lack of suitable facilities for hosting a billiards program can be challenging but not impossible. Consider exploring alternative options such as outdoor spaces, community centers, or local billiards clubs for hosting activities or partnering with nearby schools to share resources and facilities.

Q: How can I address concerns about the cost of starting a billiards program in my school?

A: Addressing concerns about the cost of starting a billiards program can be done through careful budget planning, seeking out funding opportunities such as grants or sponsorships, and exploring cost-effective options for equipment and resources. Additionally, consider leveraging existing school resources and partnerships to minimize expenses.

Q: Are there opportunities for cross-school collaboration or competitions in billiards programs?

A: Yes! Billiards programs can facilitate cross-school collaboration through inter-school tournaments, friendly competitions, or collaborative events. It fosters camaraderie, sportsmanship, and community-building among students from different schools.

Q: What are some strategies for addressing logistical challenges or resource limitations in implementing billiards in school programs?

A: Strategies for addressing logistical challenges or resource limitations in implementing billiards in school programs include leveraging existing school facilities or equipment, seeking donations or sponsorships from local businesses or organizations, and collaborating with other schools or community partners to share resources and expertise.

 Preview of Coming Billiards in School Programs!


Course 1: School 
R-ESEARCH Kickstart Program

The School R-ESEARCH Plan is an eight-step process designed to integrate billiards clubs into schools, fostering training and competition opportunities for high school students.

By following this systematic approach, schools can establish robust billiards programs that improves student's grades, teamwork, and social extracurricular opportunities.


Course 2: Club 
BAS-E Activity Program
(Billiards Academic Sport -Extracurricular)

The Club BAS-E Program is a dedicated initiative aimed at promoting and facilitating extracurricular involvement in billiards academic sports.

This program provides students with the opportunity to engage in billiard-related activities outside of regular academic coursework, fostering a sense of high school participation, skill development, and social enjoyment.


Course 3: Team
BAS-ICS League Program
(Billiards Academic Sport - Interscholastic Competition Series)

The Team BAS-ICS Program is a comprehensive initiative aimed at promoting and facilitating interscholastic billiard competitions within educational institutions.

This program provides a structured framework to organize, train, and compete in a high school billiards sport, fostering teamwork, sportsmanship, and competitive spirit among rival participating teams.


Course 4: Student
BAS-IS Selection Program
(Billiards Academic Sport -
Individual Skill)

The Student BAS-IS Program is designed to help students develop and refine their individual skills in billiard sports within an academic context.

This program provides a structured framework, resources, and support to ensure students achieve their full potential in both the technical and strategic aspects of billiards.


Course 5: Instructor
BAS-IST Training Program
(Billiard Academic Sports-
Individual Skill Toolkit)

The Instructor BAS-IST Program is a comprehensive training standard designed to support and enhance the student's individual skills in billiard academic sports.

This program provides instructors with a SAME training curriculum, guidelines, and support necessary to effectively teach and develop individual students' skills in a high school billiards sports environment.


Course 6: Teacher
BASE-SET Resource Program
(Billiard Academic Sport Extracurricular-
Sponsors Educational Toolkit)

A Teacher BASE-SET is a conceptual framework or system tailored for billiard academic sports.

It is a comprehensive toolkit that encompasses all aspects of organizing, teaching, and promoting billiard academic sports within an educational context.


Course 7: Business
BAS-KET Plan Program
(Billiard Academic Sport-
Kickstarter Enterprise Toolkit)

The Business BAS-KET Program is a specialized initiative designed to provide entrepreneurial kickstarting training and toolkit within the realm of billiard academic sports.

This program aims to empower entrepreneurs with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to create and sustain successful business ventures related to billiards in school, fostering innovation, creativity, and economic growth.

Customers served! 0   Class Openings Only

Only 25 spots available for this exclusive coaching program. Once these spots are filled, we won’t be accepting new clients until the next enrollment period.

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BETTER Play Billiards

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